Weddings are a joyful part of our worshipping life at Montevallo Presbyterian Church. In the service of marriage, a lifelong commitment is made and publicly acknowledged by the community of faith. Montevallo Presbyterian Church takes seriously its responsibility to help couples prepare not only for a wedding, but also for a healthy marriage.
In Baptism, each Christian is claimed in the covenant of God’s faithful love. Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible members of the church and the wider community. In civil law, marriage is a contract that recognizes the rights and obligations of the married couple in society. In the Reformed tradition, marriage is also a covenant in which God has an active part, and which the community of faith publicly witnesses and acknowledges. W-4.0601
A couple requesting a service of Christian marriage shall receive instruction from the pastor, who may agree to the couple’s request only if, in the judgment of the pastor, the couple demonstrate sufficient understanding of the nature of the marriage covenant and commitment to living their lives together according to its values. In making this decision, the pastor may seek the counsel of the session, which has authority to permit or deny the use of church property for a marriage service. W-4.0602
The official wedding policy is as follows:
The Pastor of Montevallo Presbyterian Church normally officiates any weddings at the church. Guest pastors are permitted to perform weddings at the church upon approval of the Session.
In order for couples to be well-prepared for marriage, adequate premarital counseling is required as determined by the officiating clergy. When couples meet with the Pastor, they can discuss counseling options in greater detail.
Scheduling (Contact Information)
The dates of the wedding and the rehearsal must be secured by consultation with the Pastor and with the approval of the Session. The Pastor or an appointed member of the congregation must meet with the couple prior to the wedding to review the church’s guidelines and facilities. A nonrefundable deposit is required when the wedding is booked and may be applied to any of the fees incurred at the time of the wedding.
Dates and Times Weddings Will Not Be Scheduled:
Church Decoration
*Decorations must not obscure the communion table, pulpit, or baptismal font.
*The communion table is to be free of decorations or floral arrangements.
*Fasteners (thumbtacks, scotch tape, glue, etc.) may not be used on any of the furniture or appointments.
*Any candles used must be of the no-drip variety and can only be used on the chancel table.
*Flower petals may not be strewn in the sanctuary.
*Seasonal decorations and banners must be left in place for weddings. Paraments may be changed or removed for weddings.
*No aisle runners are allowed for safety reasons.
*All decorations and flowers must be removed immediately following the wedding. Any decorations or flowers left behind will be disposed of at the discretion of the church.
All music used in connection with the wedding service should be appropriate for use in worship. The Pastor can assist in obtaining an accompanist or other musicians for the wedding service. All music and any musicians not on the church staff must be approved by the Pastor.
Photograph, Videotaping, and Multi-Media
The wedding is a worship service under the leadership of the officiating clergy. Photography and videography during the ceremony must not detract from the worship service, and plans for photography should be approved by the pastor. It is suggested that a bulletin or verbal announcement be made to discourage cell phone use and photography throughout the wedding. Multi-media presentations, including videos and slideshows, are not allowed as part of the weddings at our church.
The wedding is a service in the house of God and should be accorded all the reverence associated with other religious services in the church. The same reverence should prevail at the rehearsal. The rehearsal is normally scheduled the day before the wedding. Those expected to be in attendance are the clergy, members of the wedding party and the parents of the bride and groom. It is important that the rehearsal starts on time.
The church fellowship area is available for a rehearsal dinner or reception and may be reserved by contacting the church office. Fees and guidelines are available in the facility use form.
If requesting the use of the fellowship area for a reception, please note:
The following furniture should not be moved to accommodate receptions:
Marriage License
The marriage license must be given to the Pastor no later than the wedding rehearsal. The wedding must be in compliance with the laws of the State of Alabama. The Pastor will sign the license following the ceremony and present it to the couple.
Smoking and the Use of Alcohol
Smoking or the consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted on any part of the church property. The bride and groom shall be responsible to share these policies with all members of the wedding party.
The church does not provide wedding bulletins.
No rice, confetti, birdseed, bubbles, or sparklers shall be thrown/used on church property.
The Day of the Wedding
The wedding party’s arrival time on the day of the wedding should be scheduled with the Pastor or an appointed member of the church. Flowers may be delivered to the church on the wedding day, but Montevallo Presbyterian Church does not assume any responsibility for these. All personal belongings must be removed by 10:00 p.m. the night of the wedding. Montevallo Presbyterian will not be responsible for any items lost during the rehearsal and wedding.
Wedding Service
The Christian marriage ceremony is a service of worship before God. Reverence shall be expected on the part of all present, and the ceremony shall be under the sole direction of the Pastor.
Wedding Fees
Checks should be made payable to Montevallo Presbyterian Church with the notation ‘Wedding.' Checks will be deposited upon receipt.
Fees for Non-Members (to be paid at least one month before the wedding):
Use of Sanctuary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 500.00
Use of Fellowship Area (Reception) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250.00
Use of Montevallo Presbyterian Minister.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 200.00 plus $50 per counseling session (typically four sessions are required)
Damage Deposit (Payable upon application) $ 500.00 ($400 is refundable if there is no damage noted after the wedding/reception) Pianist Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 200.00
Wedding Coordinator Fee (Required). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250.00